The Gift that keeps on giving
This was a practice project which taught me a lot more than I expected.
My aim was to model something simple and record it to make my first YouTube tutorial video, wanting to also tie it into my other, scarcely-used, social media platforms.
The model and render was the easy part! That all took an hour at most. But then, figuring out:
- Screen Recording
- Sound Recording
- Setting up a YouTube Channel
- Validating said Channel
- Cutting the video
- Adding the Sound
- Animating my logo
It was a busy day - but a productive one. Ok, it might not be designing, but I think a necessary, and probably quite delayed, next step in taking my career in the big-wide world.
For sake of the history books, today is Thursday 21st May 2020.
And the Hashtag #ThrowbackThursday came from the memory of those Marmite Ads from, like, the 90's...